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Teaching Skating in Aurora since 1953! A Community Club with a Trusted Reputation for Teaching Excellence!


By processing an on-line registration, parent(s)/caregiver(s) agree to, and will comply with the following: 


  1. I/We acknowledge that the World Health Organization has classified the Coronavirus Disease (“COVID-19”) outbreak as a global pandemic and am/are aware of the risks of COVID-19. I/We specifically acknowledge and agree that I am/we are aware of the risks to personal health, including by the failure to follow physical distancing protocols, flowing from COVID-19, and that I am/we are assuming, on my own behalf and, if signing on behalf of a participant under 18 years, on their behalf, all health risks and adverse health related consequences caused by or arising from engaging in any Activities (the “Assumed Risks”).
  2. I/We acknowledge that the Organizers are implementing the Skate Ontario Return to Play Protocols (“Protocols”) the most recent version of which will be posted from time to time on Skate Ontario’s website. I/We specifically acknowledge and agree that I am/we are aware of Protocols, that I/we will abide by the Protocols, and that the Protocols are subject to all federal, provincial and municipal laws, regulations, by-laws and orders as they may exist from time to time.
  3. I/we hereby release the Organizers, their members, officers, directors, employees, independent contractors, agents, and volunteers ("Releasees") from all liability, recourse, proceedings, claims, and causes of action of any kind whatsoever, in respect of all damages, personal injuries, death, or property losses which I/we may suffer arising out of or connected with the Assumed Risks, the content or implementation of the Protocols (including without limitation the conduct of any screening of any individual), and the preparation for, or participation in, the Activities, notwithstanding that any such losses were caused solely or partly by the negligence of any of the Releasees.
  4. I/we do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all damages or losses of any kind as a result of any and all claims, demands, causes of action of any kind whatsoever including those involving negligence on the part of any of the Releasees that may be made or initiated by, or on behalf of my/our child, arising out of or connected with the Assumed Risks as they relate to me/us and/or my/our child, the content or implementation of the Protocols as they relate to me/us and/or my/our child, and my/our child's preparation for and/or participation in any of the Activities. Version 2 – July 17, 2020
  5. And, I/we hereby acknowledge and agree: (a) that I/we understand that none of the Releasees assumes any responsibility whatsoever for my safety or the safety of my/our child during the course of any preparation for or participation in the aforesaid Activities; (b) that I/we will comply with the implementation of the Protocols and that any failure on my/our part (or on the part of my/our child) to comply with the Protocols and their implementation may have consequences (including without limitation a withdrawal of permission for me or my/our child to participate in an Activity or Activities) and could jeopardize relevant insurance coverage; (c) that I/we understand that the implementation of the Protocols may involve the collection, use and disclosure of personal information about me or my/our child and I consent to same; (d) that I/we have carefully read this ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, RELEASE, INDEMNITY, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK that I/we fully understand same, and that I am/we are freely and voluntarily executing same; (e) that I have been given the opportunity and that I am encouraged to seek independent legal advice prior to signing this document; (f) that I understand that the Organizers would not permit me or my/our child to participate in any Activities unless I signed this ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, RELEASE, INDEMNITY, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK, which applies to all Activities whether occurring in the near or distant future and that the terms of this document need not be brought to my attention each time I participate in a Program in order for it to be effective; (g) that the term Activities as used herein includes, without limiting the generality of that term, training sessions, clinics, and events that are in any way authorized, sanctioned, organized or operated by any of the Organizers on its own or together with another, or to which Skate Ontario has issued a permit; (h) that this ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, RELEASE, INDEMNITY, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK agreement is binding on myself, my heirs, my executors, administrators, personal representatives and assigns.



  • Coaches/Volunteers/Executive Board Members will not be held liable for any accident or loss, however caused, and Aurora Skating Club registered members agree to release the said club, its board and proprietors from all liability, claims and damages which may arise as a result of, or by reason of, accident or loss 2024-2025 season.




Skaters are only registered for a program once full payment has been received.

  • Program registrations are completed on-line, no in-person registration. 
  • Only registered skaters are permitted to participate in the ASC programs, skater(s) will not be permitted on the ice without a confirmed registration.
  • Skaters under the age of 12 years must have a parent/guardian in the arena at all times during sessions.
  • Pre-Junior, Junior, Novice, Senior families are required to pay a mandatory, seasonal, non-refundable fundraising fee of $85.00 per skater.
  • A non-refundable Skate Canada Registrant Fee is applied to initial sesonal registration, valid from September 1 to August 31. 
    • Skate Canada Registrant Fee effective September 1 2024 = $62.00 
  • Joining the program late...a pro-rated adjustment will be automatically applied, ONLY if space allows.
  • All programs are non-refundable. (Please see Refunds tab for more details.)




  • Family Discount: a 10% discount will be applied to the lowest amount for the 3rd or subsequent sibling within a family, within the same session, when skaters register and pay in full at the same time.
  • CanSkate Multiple Day Discount: a 10% discount will be applied when registering the same CanSkater for 2 or more days in the same session.
  • STARSkate Multiple Day Discount: a 10% discount will be applied when registering the same STARSkater for a 4th day within the same session.
    • Please note: Synchro does not apply as a 4th day.




The Aurora Skating Club is proud to partner with these two fantastic programs that ensure all children can participate in their choice of sports!  

  • Low income families may qualify for financial assistance through Canadian Tire's - "Jumpstart" or Sport Aurora's "All Kids Can Play".
  • Please apply for these support programs in advance for qualification. 
  • Registration and payment is made to the Aurora Skating Club, once the club receives confirmation and payment from the support program a refund will be applied to the account.







As a not-for-profit organization, fundraising is required to assist in continuing to provide excellence, incorporate new programs, program materials, skater gifts, host special events, and meet club expenditures.

  • Support from all Pre-Junior, Junior, Novice and Senior families is required with a mandatory, seasonal non-refundable amount of $85.00 per skater. 
  • In past years, the Aurora Skating Club has participated in a variety of fundraising events; selling coffee, selling chocolates, selling candles, selling poinsettias, and Skate Canada raffles. These events have had varying success and at times serve to be frustrating for many families. The Executive Board Members decided to implement a seasonal fundraising fee of $85.00 (per skater) in lieu of any mandatory fundraising initiatives. 
  • We thank you for your continued support of the Aurora Skating Club.  



  • The Aurora Skating Club periodically uses pictures for publicity to acknowledge skater's achievements and to generate awareness to our sport.
  • Skater's image may be published and appear on our website and/or in local publications, at no additional cost to the Aurora Skating Club. 
  • If you do not wish for your child/children to participate in any form of media, please contact the office to make arrangemnts to fill out a non-consent form).


To ensure the safety and best skating experience for your skater(s) please ensure you have the proper equipment.

  1. CSA approved HOCKEY helmet  
  2. Single blade skates (with laces
  3. Waterproof mittens, warm pants and jacket are recommended (no scarves).
  • CSA approved HOCKEY helmet and single blade skates are mandatory for skaters up to/and including LEVEL 5.
  • As directed by Skate Canada: all Skate Canada member clubs and skating schools who offer a CanSkate program must ensure all CanSkate and Adult participants up to and including stage level 5 must wear a CSA approved hockey helmet while on the ice. 
  • This policy also applies to all other Skate Canada programs, therefore anyone who lacks good control/balance when skating forward, backward and has difficulty stopping, as well as maneuvering around obstacles on the ice must wear a CSA approved hockey helmet.
  • Clubs and skating schools must ensure this policy is enforced during all skating activities including competitions, carnival days or any other special on ice activities throughout the season for this level of skater. This policy is a minimum standard. Sections, at their discretion, may impose a higher standard which all clubs and skating schools within the sections’ boundaries must adopt and implement. 
  • ONLY CSA approved HOCKEY helmets are permitted on the ice, bicycle and ski helmets are NOT permitted, NO exceptions
  • Skating equipment is the responsibility of the skater and is not provided by the Aurora Skating Club.
  • Where to shop: Canadian Tire offers a variety of helmets, figure skates and hockey skates. 




Aurora Skating Club's CanSkate - Learn to Skate follows the SKATE CANADA program. 

  • Based on Sport Canada's Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) principles. Tested and proven curriculum and delivery methods that guarantee skater success in developing stronger basic skating skills. The program also includes specific skills that relate to hockey, ringette, speed skating and figure skating.
  • This is a beginner level program for children starting at age 3 years.
  • Skaters strive to achieve the Skate Canada badge levels 1 to 6.
  • This 45-minute program combines a 15-minute warm-up and two 15-minute group lessons with a professional coach and help from our P.A.'s (program assistants).
  • The CanSkate coaches evaluate their skaters on a day-to-day basis, and upon completion of the session, skaters will be provided with a report card outlining their progress.
  • All programs are subject to schedule change and/or cancellation dependant on ASC requirements 

.More detailed information can be found under the PROGRAMS tab on the main menu.




This program is for skaters who have achieved Skate Canada badge LEVEL 4 or higher, and want to learn how to figure skate.

  • Classes are 50 or 60 minutes in length (depending on the day), skaters will receive 10 to 15 minutes of stroking, and two 15 minute group lessons per session, the remaining time is used for the skaters to practice what they have just learned.  
  • Stroking is warm-up in which the entire group of skaters follow the coach as he/she leads them through a series of movements using the entire ice pad. 
  • All programs are subject to schedule change and/or cancellation dependant on ASC requirements.





STARSkate = Skills, Tests, Achievement, Recognition - STARSkate offers opportunities for skaters of all ages to develop fundamental figure skating skills in areas of ice dance, skating skills, free skate
and artistic skating.
  • Our fully sanctioned STARSSkate Figure Skating program provides a seamless move from Canskate Level 6 into the upper levels of figure skating. Once CanSkate Level 6 is completed.
  • Skaters can move up to the Junior level (STAR 1) which is the entry level in the STARSkate program.
  • We offer a progression through 4 levels where participants will work closely with private coaches as well in small groups to hone their skills, stroking and dances.
  • STAR 1 to 5 Skate Canada Test and Competitive streams are available within this program.
    • Testing and Competitions are arranged between the skater and their coach.
  • All programs are subject to schedule change and/or cancellation dependant on ASC requirements.

More detailed information can be found under the PROGRAMS tab on the main menu.



Figure Skating Tests

Whether a skater decides to be competitive or remain recreational, they will all at some point take a test. There are tests offered in each discipline of skating. How do you know when you are ready to take a test? Your coach will let you know.

STAR 1 - 5 Tests can be administered on regular sessions during a private lesson with a coach.  If your child is to take a test, you will receive an envelope with information specific to the test to be taken. There is a Skate Canada fee (as outlined on the test envelope) for each test to be taken. These fees must be paid in full before test day. They can be submitted at the office or to the skater’s coach.

STAR 6 - Gold Tests are evaluated by qualified Skate Canada evaluators and take place on designated Test Days. There are several of these throughout the year, and take place during the daytime, not during regular session times. Skaters are notified by their coach at least 1-2 weeks in advance once the skater is ready to try a test. 

Skaters must wear appropriate attire for skating tests. See your coach for guidance on testing attire. 

How to Submit a Test Assessment

Your private coach will determine when you are ready to take a test.

STAR 1 to 5 Tests, your coach will assess you during your regular session. Your coach will provide you with a payment Test envelope, which must be paid prior to the test assessment.   

Star 6 to Gold tests, coaches are responsible for letting the Test Chair know that you are going to be taking part in the Test  Day two weeks prior.  You will be provided with a test envelope and the amount of the fee, and the time for testing a few days prior to the test day(s).

The Club Test Chair will process the applications and fill out a test sheet for your skater. The Club Administrator maintains a record of all tests attempted and passed by our skaters. The official records are also sent to Skate Canada.

Test Fees: Skate Canada fee of $12.00 per test tried in addition to:

  • Dance $20.00/test
  • Artistic $20.00/test
  • Skill $30.00/test
  • Free Part 1 $30.00/test
  • Free Part 2 $20.00/test


Do you qualify as a Guest Skater?  

Any skater who is not registered for a specific session day and time but plans to skate, is considered a guest skater. Skaters must be registered in the CURRENT ASC session (Fall, Winter, Spring) or with their home club in order to guest skate during that session. Sanctioned ASC alumni skaters are exempt from this policy and may skate if space is available. Both skaters of the Aurora Skating Club and skaters from visiting club must be qualified for the session in which they plan to skate.  Skating down one level is permitted; however, skating up from your qualified level is NOT permitted under any circumstances. 

How do I arrange to guest skate?

Guest skaters must contact our office 905-713-1442, at least 24 hours prior to request their planned skating session or risk being refused access to the ice surface.  For reasons of safety, we must ensure that there is enough space on the ice for you and ensure that you will be skating at a level appropriate for your skill during your requested time slot.

Before you get on the ice...

All pre-approved guest skaters MUST sign in with their coach at the AFLC. Payment must be made prior to going on the ice. Guest skater fees can be paid either on-line or cash with a guest skater envelopes (available outside the office door).

Please note this important information:

  • Skater must be a current Skate Canada Registrant in good standing
  • Guest skaters are limited to ten (10) visits during the 2024-2025
    • (2) Fall | (6) Winter | (2) Spring
  • ASC home club skaters may request their music once while skating
  • Visiting guest Skaters cannot be guaranteed that their music will be played. 
  • Home club guest skater Fee: $26.00/per skater/per session
  • Visiting club guest skater Fee: $28.00/per skater/per session 



The Aurora Skating Club is a not-for-profit club, volunteer-run organization.  In order to ensure that our club can offer the best programs at the most economical rates AND run FUN events for your skater(s)
we need your help!

Getting involved with the club is a great way to actively participate and contribute to your skater(s) activities and will help you understand the skating programs and their development. It's also a wonderful way to meet skater's parents and develop new friendships. 

Areas of commitment are: 

  • CanSkate check-in and name tag distribution for the first week of each new session.
  • Ice Show; on the year that the ASC runs an Ice Show at least one parent of participating skater(s) is required to volunteer for the Ice-Show in a position of their choice.   
  • Executive Board of Directors; we encourage all members to attend the annual AGM and potentially become part of the Board.
    • The Board meets once a month for approximately 1 to 2 hours.      




  • Athletes under 26 and parents of athletes under 18 years of age must confirm that they have reviewed the Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resources and Skate Ontario’s Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes and  Parents/Guardians prior to registration and/or on the first day of skating.  



CODE OF ETHICS as directed by Skate Canada August, 2017  

Skate Canada is committed to ensuring that all skaters have the opportunity to participate in a safe and welcoming environment that is encouraging and promotes their overall development.

Parents have an enormous influence on skaters’ experiences in the sport. The quality of a skater’s experience is determined by their relationships with parents and the manner in which parents conduct themselves in the Skate Canada environment. In this code “parents” shall refer to “parents and guardians”. This code applies to all parents who are members of Skate Canada or have children who are members of Skate Canada. Parents shall abide by this code at all times while participating in any Skate Canada club or school, competition, or activity.


The purpose of Skate Canada’s Code of Ethics is to outline the organization’s expectations and guiding principles for appropriate decision making and behaviour.


This code of ethics applies to all skaters, officials, coaches, employees, board members, volunteers, alumni, and hall of fame members of Skate Canada and its affiliate organizations. This code of ethics also applies to parents and guardians who participate in and observe related activities.

        Code of Ethics

  1. I will conduct myself in a manner that is of the highest standards, follows Skate Canada’s vision and mission, and is athlete-centered.
  2. I will treat all people with respect, dignity, and sportsmanship.
  3. I will act on the belief that the athlete as a person is more important than their success or my success in the sport.
  4. I will conduct myself professionally during all interactions in and surrounding Skate Canada activities.
  5. I will use positive discipline that includes setting fair rules, listening, problem-solving, encouraging, and being a good example. I will not use harmful methods such as but not limited to hitting, name-calling, yelling, or using insults, intimidation, or rejection.
  6. I will disclose any conflict of interest and not allow myself to be influenced in a way that could conflict with the best interest of the organization or the organization’s reputation.
  7. I will not engage in behaviour that is intended to wrongfully manipulate the outcome of a competition or test.
  8. I will respect the coach/athlete relationship and will not solicit the athlete/s of another coach.
  9. I will never engage in any exploitative, abusive, or corrupt relationships. I will always act in a kind and judicious manner.
  10. I will support an inclusive sport for all, regardless of race, ancestry, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, disability or any other ground of discrimination prohibited by human rights legislation.
  11. I agree to follow the ISU’s Code of Ethics at all hosted and non-hosted ISU events.
  12. I agree to advocate and practice the principles of Safe Sport.
  13. I will not participate in activities that are abusive or criminal. I will also not participate in activities that disrespect human rights or that risk the reputation of Skate Canada.
  14. I will adhere to all federal, provincial, municipal, and host country laws.
  15. I will notify Skate Canada if I face any new related criminal charges, ongoing criminal investigations, convictions, or bail conditions.
  16. I will not use my power or authority in an attempt to coerce another person to engage in sexual activity or to participate in unethical and/or criminal activities.
  17. I will not in any way behave sexually with children or youth. This includes but is not limited to the use of sexual jokes, language, and/or names; participation in sexual touching and/or exploitation; the use of, reference to, or participation in pornography.
  18. I will not participate in any form of bullying, harassment, discrimination, physical or verbal abuse, neglect, intimidation, or exploitation.
  19. I will not use technology or social media to disrespect or exploit others.
  20. I will not abuse or exploit children or youth in any way and will immediately report to the appropriate authorities and Skate Canada ( if I see or suspect anyone else doing so.
  21. I will not possess, use, or promote the use of illegal substances or performance enhancing drugs.
  22. I will follow all of Skate Canada’s by-laws, policies, and rules and commit to reading all amendments and updates at the time of registration and throughout the year.
  23. I will not attempt to cover up or conceal any conduct of an individual that is, or may be, in breach of this Code and will report any violations.
  24. I will fully cooperate with Skate Canada’s investigations.
  25. I understand that a violation of this Code on my part may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Skate Canada.

The above commitments constitute Skate Canada’s Code of Ethics, Created: 08 August 2017