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Teaching Skating in Aurora since 1953! A Community Club with a Trusted Reputation for Teaching Excellence!


Friday Nights 6:10pm to 7:15pm 

Adult/Teen - Learn to Skate

The Aurora Skating Club Adult/Teen program welcomes teens 13 years+ and adults who wish to learn to skate, as well as become proficient skaters looking to increase

their skating technique. Coaches divide groups according to their skating level and abilities.

Group lessons are given in a socially pleasant environment without goal achievement expectation. (e.g.: no testing or report cards).

Please note: Adult/Teen participants are required to wear a HOCKEY helmet, bicycle and ski helmets are not permitted, NO exceptions.. 

Refund policy: Adult/Teen program is 100% non-refundable.

Some of our 2021-2022 Adult/Teen Skaters

with coaches: Renald Foisy and Sonya Bukovscak